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The purposes of the Society are:

a)  To stimulate and encourage the development of flamenco related projects and activities.

b)  To render service to all participating groups.

c)  To act as a resource for information on the art of flamenco.

d)  To raise awareness and appreciation of the value and meaning of the art of flamenco and foster broad community support.

e)  To encourage, develop and co-ordinate the art of flamenco in Greater Victoria, and indeed Vancouver Island.

f)  To develop a positive environment for the art of flamenco within the community through education, projects and programs that reach artists, students, educators, and the business community.

g)  To foster the optimum growth and development of the art of flamenco in Victoria and beyond by creating a nurturing atmosphere and providing a resource centre that will create an environment to allow the art of flamenco to be developed to its highest potential.

h)  To provide a focal point and coordinating body for the promotion and development of the art of flamenco. Within this, the precepts of artistic exploration, public access, coordination of artists, including creative liaisons with the business community, will guide the direction and activities of the Flamenco de la Isla Society.

i)  To assist in the development and delivery of initiatives that will broaden the basis of understanding of, involvement in, and support for, the art of flamenco in Greater Victoria and beyond.

j)  To promote awareness of the art of flamenco.

k)  To encourage the art of flamenco on Vancouver Island through public performances.

l)  To encourage the art of flamenco on Vancouver Island by raising funds to aid amateur flamenco students and to support and assist aspiring flamenco students.

m)  To do all such other acts as are incidental or conducive to the fulfillment of the above purposes or any of them.

1. The name of the Society is Flamenco de la Isla Society, herein referred to as “the Society”.

2. The purposes of the Society are:

a) To advance the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the art of Flamenco in the Greater Victoria area, and on Vancouver Island.

b) To teach and perpetuate the art of Flamenco through education, financial support and performance opportunities.

c) To become a community information resource center for Flamenco.

d) To support connections between Flamenco artists, and the broader arts community.

e)To do all such other acts as are incidental or conducive to the fulfillment of the above purposes or any of them and above that to apply for all.

3. In the event that the Society should, at any time, be wound up or dissolved, the remaining assets and payment of all debts and liabilities shall be turned over to a recognized charitable organization with purposes similar to the Society, or if this cannot be done, to another recognized charitable organization of the Province or elsewhere in Canada as directed by members.

4. The term “recognized charitable organization” in Article 3 means a charitable organization or charity that the Canada Revenue Agency or its successor, recognizes as such under the provisions of the Income Tax Act (Canada) from time to time in effect.

5. The Society shall carry out its purposes without purposes or financial gain for its member, and shall use any profits or other accretions to the Society for promoting its purposes, and shall carry out its purposes on an exclusively charitable basis.

6. The Society shall not remunerate any Director or Officer for being or acting as a Director or Officer, but may reimburse a Director or Officer for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred while engaged in the affairs of the Society.

7. Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are unalterable.